Dammit Eliot!
You know I loved watching you. I loved that you weren't afraid to go after anyone. I had high hopes for you.
And now I feel like a disappointed parent. (Wait! I am a parent and I am disappointed.)
I mean really! Didn't you think you'd get caught? Didn't you realize those you've left in your wake would want to nail something on you?
Or were you trying to make up for some shortcomings?

19 Deserve Mamma's Love:
That's the thing about politicians - they always break your heart...
That's funny - I thought from the title you were yelling at my kid (not that I ever, ever do that...)
And I agree with don mills diva, they do break your heart, these silly political men.
I don't think we demand enough.
Sadly I was surprised by this. I know, I know - I'm a gullible gal.
That picture cracks me up. What's he demonstrating there -- the size of his penis?!? As in, "my penis is this big, and my wife is so disgusted she won't sleep with me, and that's why I need a $4,000 hooker"?? LOL
Oh your last question!
I happened to see one of his law professors interviewed on CNN yesterday and the guy made excuses for his. This wouldn't be news in other countries. Other societies allow mistresses. He's a man. blah blah blah. It infuriated me.
I was surprised by the story too.
WHen I find out about these men cheating, I always hope, hope, hope that their wives (who are often beautiful, amazing, intelligent women) realize that ITS NOT THEIR FAULT. I always hope the wives haven't interalized the man's horrible behavior.
Hey, who won the contest about your ankle? Slackermommy's post was HYSTERICAL!
and he was so very righteous before the fall. it's all so sad.
Mmmmm, it can be the same over here.
Cherry xoxox
Uggh...don't even get me started on Mr.Spitzer.
I'm no longer wondering who will be the next one to be exposed in scandolous behavior. I'm wondering who isn't. *sigh*
Oops I should clarify a bit. I guess I meant to say every time you turn around another politician is mired in scandal.
At this point I'd be shocked to find out that there isn't one involved in any controversial/scandalous behavior.
another one bites the dust - and just what is he describing with that gesture? the size of his ... integrity?
OMG! I love the photo and your caption above it. What lay is worth $4000? I wouldn't even pay that for Brad Pitt unless Angelina joined us. Now that would be worth $4000!
omg, that photo is perfect.
Sadly, I'm not surprised anymore. I've become a cynical old lady.
As infuriating as the situation really is, I find myself wishing something like this would happen in our boring Canadian politics. Just to shake things up.
Then I give my head a shake and realize I don't think my blood pressure could survive politics, Yankee style.
My husband made a very witty political joke about this whole thing last night. I didn't get it, I pretended like I did. Wish you could have been there to enjoy it and explain it to me later, I'm just sure it was funny.
Law school humor, humph.
The Washington Post had a comment in the Outlook section on Sunday that went something like this: Eliot Spitzer forgot the number one rule of politics in America: you can lead a country into a war under false pretenses, kill thousands of your countrymen and get re-elected to a second term but if you have an illicit affair with a prostitute you have to resign from office.
I do not justify what he's done; I think it's awful, but I'm not sure it's worth firing him. My .02.
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