Thursday, April 19, 2007

Desperately Wanting

Dear Sun,

I know you've been feeling kinda big, but really you don't need to hide. I think you're beautiful just the way you are. Don't worry about the roundness of your ass. I know that's not what they're showing in all the magazines this season, but frankly, it makes me hot...and sweaty.

You have no idea how gorgeous I think you are. I could bask in your naked glory all day. I fantasize about it every night. Your rays make me tingle and feel all happy. I love when you use them to touch every part of my skin. It feels so warm and so goooood.

So please! Take off the clouds. Turn on the lights. I want to experience all of you.

Who cares what all those stars are saying. They're just burnouts anyway.


12 Deserve Mamma's Love:

Anonymous said...

Ah Men Sistah!

Beth said...

Love the way your mind works - and your way with words!

Anonymous said...

That was so funny! I almost felt like I was reading some trashy romance novel here!

Anonymous said...

I love a good ode! Thanks.

Lisa said...

Oh YEAH. TOtally can relate. BUt it was sunny here and the boy spend most of the day with friends outside, as did I. It. Was. Wonderful.

Em said...

Excellent letter! Bring on the sun...the spring...the warm days! Let it shine!!!

Anonymous said...

Dude, I so feel you on this. Maybe we could have a threesome-me, you and the sun?

Chicky Chicky Baby said...

I hear ya. I finally caught a glimpse of that big yellow sun today. Is it getting warm in here or is it me?

KC said...

Finally, a beautiful day here...and I LOVE that you have a label called "I'm a dork". (Mine is: Gratuitous Nerdiness)

Nice to meet you! And I like how you included those killed in Iraq and Afghanistan in your last post- sometimes I feel like people forget about that massacre since it's not on our soil.

Seattle Mamacita said...

very cleverly written ,as a seattle mama my prayers to the sun goddess are rarely heard...found your blog via otj...

Pissed OFF Housewife said...

Yep, I think grey hair and wrinkles are about the sexiest thing in the world... on my guy.

But I always secretly hope he isn't disappointed in how I've aged.

Elorajade said...

LMAO! GREAT letter! Send some of that this way too!