Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Blogging To The Oldies

Mamma's sending out a little love to a new "computer friend." Because how could a mamma not love a boy who says he's "down with your demographic?" You can read the interaction that took place over at Psalm A Day--a great concept with with introductions to a deeper vault of music then the one I obviously have the key to. Though I wish they'd post a little more often...

Always hoping to share my random thoughts with a larger audience (come on in, it's only a little scary), I thought I'd check out my new friend's other blog ShuffleLog. This too is an interesting experiment to look at the randomness of the shuffle setting on an iPod. The problem for me is that I only recognized one song in twenty on this fine gentleman's list. Now we know he's down with our demographic, so I continued reading but man it got me feeling old.

Lovely Clarence invited me to join in his experiment with a thirty minute trial run on my own iPod. The results--which can be seen here--were thoroughly much so that I'm currently running another test. Unfortunately, I think I just really am that uncool. Who needs to wait until I have teenagers to figure that out.

PS--I'm not buying this whole "shuffle" thing. In less than one hour I've heard duplicate selections by the same band three times. And I maxed out the drive on my little music friend.

2 Deserve Mamma's Love:

Clarence Rosario said...

Mamma said: "PS--I'm not buying this whole "shuffle" thing. In less than one hour I've heard duplicate selections by the same band three times. And I maxed out the drive on my little music friend."

Yep, that's my whole premise for ShuffleLog. Surprising amount of non-random randomness over the past month. Next up: ShuffleLog: The Spreadsheet!

And thanks for the shout-out.

Amie Adams said...

The Spreadsheet?! I'm just enough of a nerd to want to see that!